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what is

Primary Care

Primary care is like having a health coach for your whole body. It's not just about getting medicine when you're sick. Typically thought of as Family Practice, Your primary care provider is your go-to person for all your health needs. They help you stay healthy, treat you when you're sick, and keep an eye on your overall health. They know you well and work with a team to make sure you get the care you need, from check-ups to advice on healthy living. It's about having a trusted provider who understands everything about your health and helps you stay on top of it!

Doctor's Appointment
Doctor's Appointment

What we offer

  • Prescription medications for chronic conditions like high blood pressure, cholesterol, thyroid and other common health concerns.


  • A VIP Text Line directly to your Nurse Practitioner who knows you and can assist you when you are ill with sore throats, influenza, UTIs, etc.


  • A comprehensive, personalized and bound yearly health exam to give you a snapshot of where your health is currently and how you can optimize it.


  • Referrals to other providers such as a cardiologist, orthopedist or dermatologist if needed.


  • A resource for education Instead of looking something up on the internet, we can teach you what actually applies to you.


  • Yearly Bloodwork


  • Access to the current recommended screenings such as Pap Smears, Colon Screening *, Mammograms *, Bone Scans *, and Lung Scans *

Pricing is simple

If you are already on a Crafted Membership, upgrade to our BODY plan for $479 a month. This includes Our weightloss program WITH Semaglutide included, Vitamin shots or pills and all Primary Care services.

If you are not on a current Crafted Membership plan, our primary care services are available for $189 a month

Doctor Examining CT Scan
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